- - - Special Announcement - - -
- - - Please Take Note! - - -
After serving the Chester, MA community for the last 14 years, The Lightfield Foundation has relocated to Richmond, Rhode Island. Please subscribe to our newsletter to learn more about this move and to know when we will be open again for sessions! If you would like to be added to our waitlist for when we re-open, please email: info@lightfieldfoundation.com. Thanks for waiting!
- Lightfield and Grace Sessions -
(All Sessions are in Eastern Time Zone - USA)
We now offer our traditional in-person sessions at our center as well as remote sessions from your home or a place that's quiet--anywhere in the world.
If this is your first session, listen to this introductory audio. It's 4 minutes and 27 seconds.
In-Person Lightfield Sessions
In-person sessions consist of two parts:
Reclining in the Lightfield technology, you are surrounded by soothing music (432 hz) bathed in an aspect of light, harmonic frequencies and sacred geometries, letting you completely relax. You can then experience an effortless meditative state that creates inner quiet. (About 40 minutes.)
When you are on our Grace unit, you are standing in a field of light and geometries that help re-align your energy centers or chakras. You can sometimes feel your body sway as it re-aligns. When your chakras are balanced, your physical and energy systems become more vibrant and healthy. (About 10 minutes.)
Contact us at (413) 354 6430 - 24/7 Voicemail only

Remote Lightfield Sessions
In a remote session, we require you to send us:
(Please book at least 48 hours in advance to allow us time to prepare for your session.)
A photo of your head and shoulders
Your signature
And your birthdate
They each carry specific energetic information about you and that energy finds you through these connections. They collectively represent you and travel on "light fields" to you and only you.
How does a remote session work?
Please watch the video below for more information. It's very simple and just as effective as in-person sessions.
- Bring A Friend Session -
In-Person - Lightfield & Grace for You, and Cohere™ Meditation Mat Session for Your Friend - All in One Timeslot!
Ready to share these amazing technologies with your friends? Only have a short time to be there? Come with your friend and/or family member and one of you can do a Lightfield and Grace Session while the other person is on the Cohere Meditation Mat. This appointment is for two people only and each person does one session only.
Contact us at (413) 354 6430 - 24/7 Voicemail only
- The Trifecta Session -
In-Person - Lightfield, Grace, and Cohere™ Meditation Mat Sessions - All in One Visit!
Ready to immerse yourself in our technology? Try the "Trifecta Full Immersion" Session either by yourself or with your friend and/or family member. Come for two and a half hours and do three back-to-back sessions with the Lightfield unit, Grace unit, and Cohere Meditation Mat. What better way to "Clean House" energetically than with three varying sessions of coherence that will allow for an intense amount of personal releasing and processing to help you clear out to make room for new connections and higher awareness. Clients may experience an intense amount of personal processing and should plan accordingly to spend time in nature or quietly at home after the completion of this appointment.
Contact us at (413) 354 6430 - 24/7 Voicemail only
- Donations -
Because we are a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, all of our sessions are by donation. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. When making a donation by cash or check we are happy to provide a receipt at our office when you come for your appointment. The following suggested donation amount is the amount that allows us to keep our doors open to serve you and the community at large.
Our Suggested Minimum Donation for each technology session is $70/session.
If you would like to donate by credit card we only take credit card donations online. If you want to book a session online on our Appointments page you can reserve your appointment by giving a donation online using a credit card.
If you would like to donate by cash or check, we only take cash or check donations in person or by mail. If you want to donate by cash or check you will need to schedule your appointment by emailing us at: scheduling@lightfieldfoundation.com or calling us at 413-354-6430.
If for any reason you prefer to donate a different amount that is either less or more than the suggested donation, please do that in person the day of your appointment, via cash or check.

- Important Reminders -
If you book your appointment via our online scheduling system, you will receive:
An initial confirmation email
An automatic email reminder 24 hours before your appointment
If you book a remote session:
We need to be able to receive your picture and signature in a timely manner to prepare them for your remote session.
Please book at least 48 hours in advance for a remote session so we can be sure to be ready for your appointment.
If you feel the need to book a remote session within the 48 hours of the actual appointment time please do so by calling ingrid directly to see if it possible to accommodate this special request - 508-897-9119.
Please note our Cancellation Policy:
It happens, we know, but we do require 48 hours advance notice so that we can fill the spot. We have lots of people who are eager to have sessions and, with enough notice, we are usually able to fill cancellations. You can use our online self-scheduling page to cancel or reschedule your appointments. Please take a moment to look over our cancellation policy.
To contact the operator:
If you need to call on the day of your appointment, please call our Chester office at 413-354-6430 and leave a message. The phone ringers at the office are turned off during client appointments so as not to disturb the sessions. If you are running late or need to get a message to an operator, please leave a voicemail and your name and phone number. The operator will check messages periodically.
*Please arrive on time*
Many of our clients travel great distances, so please try your best to be on time. We almost always have back-to-back appointments and cannot extend your session beyond your time slot. We also ask that you wait to enter the office until 3 minutes before your appointment time. If you arrive early, please wait outside the office. Thank you!
Client Consideration:
We ask that clients not wear perfumes, cologne, or essential oils to sessions. Some clients are sensitive to smells that can linger. We appreciate your cooperation!
You may want to bring a sweater. The office is kept cool for the equipment, so it helps to layer up all year round.